China Southern Power Grid continues to improve the service level of "access to electricity"

2022-03-11 打印
In recent years, China Southern Power Grid Guangdong Power Grid Corporation has actively deepened the reform of "release, management and service", optimized the business environment, continuously strengthened the services of "three zeros" and "three provinces", promoted the measures of "four offices" (active, online, joint and primary) to optimize the business environment of electricity, continuously improved the level of "access to electricity" and helped the high-quality economic development of Guangdong.

Optimize the approval process and save time

China Southern Power Grid Guangdong Power Grid Corporation takes customers as the center and takes multiple measures to improve users' power operation experience. Reduce the original 5 links of high-voltage and low-voltage reporting and installation to 3 and 2 links respectively. Promote local and municipal governments to introduce the policy of no more than 5 working days for parallel approval of external power line projects and no approval for external low-voltage power line projects. At the same time, comprehensively monitor the handling time limit of all links in the whole process of industrial expansion, and implement the dual manager responsibility system of "project manager + customer manager" of supporting power grid access project. In 2021, the average time for low-voltage non resident users of China Southern Power Grid Guangdong Power Grid Corporation to report and install is 3.2 working days, and the average time for high-voltage single power supply and dual power supply to report and install (excluding external line project construction links) is 7.2 and 8.0 working days respectively.

As a national high-tech enterprise, Guangzhou Maipu regenerative medical technology Co., Ltd., located in Huangpu District, Guangzhou, is committed to the field of high-performance implanted medical devices. The headquarters base of the company is planned to be officially put into use in June this year. It took only 6 days for Maipu to apply for the power supply from the initial installation of Guangdong power grid to the construction of Huangpu Power Grid. This is due to the innovative service measures of Guangzhou "four offices" launched by Guangdong Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau of China Southern Power Grid. Relying on the joint service platform of "electricity, water, gas and heat network" in Huangpu District and the active service platform of green energy consumption of Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau, Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau intervened in advance at the stage of project approval and passed the "approval free" Filing mechanism of high-voltage power external line projects, The speed of project approval and implementation has been accelerated.

Promoting the construction of digital power grid and making power supply easier

In recent years, China Southern Power Grid Corporation is accelerating the construction of digital power grid. At present, the full-service government service network, Guangdong Provincial affairs and Guangdong business link have been settled in Guangdong, forming an Internet service channel system integrating "network, palm, micro, branch and government", and the Internet channel business accounts for more than 99%. Through the linkage between government and enterprises and the sharing of certificates and licenses, residents can "brush their faces and apply for electricity", and enterprises can "apply for electricity with one certificate". All localities and cities have realized the technical connection between power supply channels and engineering construction project approval platform. Users can apply for power transfer while handling real estate registration. In addition, China Southern Power Grid Corporation focuses on building a modern power supply service system, relying on the "China Southern Power Grid online" platform to provide Guangdong users with "basic + value-added" services. Users can customize 22 value-added service products such as distribution facility operation and maintenance and temporary power leasing.

After the Spring Festival this year, China Southern Power Grid Guangdong Foshan Shunde Power Supply Bureau handled the business of "upgrading and acceleration". In February 16th, a shop owner of Jinyan Road, Daliang street, Shunde, Foshan, applied for new power supply for self operated shops on the WeChat official account of the southern power grid, with a capacity of 28 kilowatts. On February 17, the power supply customer service manager took the initiative to carry out on-site investigation service. After confirming that the site meets the conditions for meter installation and power transmission and does not need external works, he immediately informed the construction personnel to carry out construction, and the user will complete the fire and power transmission without leaving home.

Industry expansion, investment interface extension, office power saving

Guangdong Power Grid Corporation strictly implements the extension standard of industry expansion investment interface, and comprehensively implements the "zero investment" of small and micro enterprises with reported installed capacity of 200 kW and below in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan district and 160 kW and below in other regions, so as to effectively reduce the burden for users. In 2021, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation invested about 8.5 billion yuan in the extension of industrial expansion interface, saving nearly 18 billion yuan in power investment for about 590000 customers.

Guishan Island is a famous tourist island in Zhuhai. At the beginning of this year, a restaurant in Guishan Island planned to expand its business scale and put forward the power demand for capacity increase to Guangdong Zhuhai Xiangzhou Power Supply Bureau of China Southern Power Grid. Through on-site investigation and evaluation, the customer manager suggested that users apply for capacity increase to 125 kW. According to the investment interface extension standard of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, if the reported installed capacity of the restaurant is less than 200 kW, you can enjoy the "zero investment" policy. Finally, the user only took two working days from applying for power to connecting and transmitting power, saving more than 6000 yuan of investment.

Data source: Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd